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 » What is a "Bot"» top

This is taken from at "What is a "bot"? How can I get one?" section.

"..."bot" is short for "robot". It is a script run from an ircII client or a seperate program (in perl, C, and sometimes more obscure languages)..."

"...IRC bots are generally not needed. See below about "ownership" of nicknames and channels. A bot generally tries to "protect" a channel (it should be noted that all bots will fail at some point, so relying on them to keep a channel is not a good idea) from takeovers..."

"...It should be noted that many servers (especially in the USA) ban ALL bots. Some ban bots so much that if you run a bot on their server, you will be banned from using that server..."

 » What is hanoman» top

Hanoman is an IRC Bot (see What is a "Bot"), created using Java programming language.
The main goal of creating hanoman is as a practice by peoples who have interest in studying Java as well as TCP/IP Socket programming.

Taking RFC 2812 as the base specification makes hanoman able to operates on all IRC server available today.

Where the hell name "Hanoman" came from ?

Name of "Hanoman" is taken from a great white ape character at "Ramayana" ancient folklore. Here's the story (if you care to read :P) :

"At the kingdom of Guwa Kiskenda, a forest kingdom of monkeys and apes, ruled by the wise ape-king Sugriwa. Rama grieves for Sinta, who has been abducted by the evil Rahwana, king of Alengka, and taken to his island nation of ogres and giants. Rama sends Hanoman, the great white ape, to Alengka as Rama’s envoy, entrusting him with his signet ring to give to Sinta. The ring is a sign of Rama’s devotion, and it has a magical property too. If Sinta wears it, and it still shines clear and true, that means she has remained faithful in her love. Hanoman departs. On his way he is attacked by two giant sea monsters, but slays them.

At the women’s quarters of the palace of Alengka. Hanoman arrives, bearing Rama’s signet ring, and tells Sinta that Rama is determined to free her from the clutches of Rahwana. He gives her the signet ring as a sign of his devotion. Trijata and Hanoman flirt with each other, and Hanoman promises that when the time comes to wage war on Alengka, he will not forget her.

As Hanoman departs, he attracts the attention of the ogre-army of Alengka. He is captured, bound to a funeral pyre and set ablaze in the town square. All seems lost but Hanoman regains his strength and bursts his bonds. On a rampage, he burns down half the capital with his fiery tail. Hanoman returns to Guwa Kiskenda to report to Rama. Hanoman tells Rama that Sinta is alive and well, and that the forces of Alengka, though formidable indeed, can be defeated with perseverance and faith."

 » What is an agent» top

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 » Hanoman Commands» top

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 » Obtain Hanoman» top

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 » Install Hanoman» top

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 » Configure Hanoman» top

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 » Run Hanoman» top

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 » Create an Agent» top

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 » Credits» top

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